Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Ode to Alec

Feast your eyes on my favorite actor! He will be co-hosting the Academy Awards with Steve Martin on March 7th!

Not only is Alec Baldwin my favorite actor, but he is also, in my opinion, one of the most appealing men...for many, many reasons. Alec has been receiving a lot of criticism in the news lately, as he was recently hospitalized for a "misunderstanding" when his daughter misleadingly called 911, believing that Alec was going to take sleeping pills after an argument that the two had. Alec also recently made headlines for hassling and grabbing a photographer, as a group of them had flocked around the entrance of his home and were bothering him. Certainly not good press! If I were him, and got no privacy due to these photographers, I would be on my last nerve as well. I consider myself to be an extremely laid-back, carefree person..but that might very possibly change if I were consistently being followed, heckled, and photographed...ladies and gentlemen value their privacy! I know that I cherish my alone time.

Everyone's got a "little" crush on some celebrity..

So, here I am...defending my man Alec Baldwin, and stating some of the reasons why he will always be my celebrity crush - even though I knew something about this crush was odd when I told my grandma that I liked him and she replied: "Ohhh boy....I like him too," with a wink. haha! I'm guessing that my grandma and I shouldn't think the same guy is a cutie pie!

I like Alec because...

  • he is a classic "man." He has always played roles as the big, powerful male character with a strong, overbearing personality. I like someone who has the strong verbal skills to sweet talk their way through something - and he does.
  • witty - the sharp, biting remarks and insults thrown at Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock get me laughing every time. The man can crack a joke and embarrass you before you even realize what has happened...and that it was about you.
  • baby blue intense squinty eyes, tall, dark hair need I say more? His physical appearance fulfills my little girlhood crush by meeting every favorite trait of mine!
  • I really, the fact that he almost always plays a role in which he wears a suit. He usually plays the powerful corporate guy. Jack Donaghy in 30 Rock is quite possibly my favorite character portrayed by Alec. Although he is a man with a powerful job, he still maintains his biting sense of humor and humorous lack of sympathy for anyone showing weaknesses. I like that he isn't too mushy - he's very direct and forward, doesn't overtly show much emotion. Alec can be both serious and softly or sharply humorous several times within a conversation. Versatility as an actor is very important and very endearing.
  • Of course young Alec Baldwin was better looking, but Popeater did an article on whether Alec was more appealing as a young, handsome thin man..or now, as an older-slightly graying, fatter, wittier man? I vote for the second one, honestly I think he's aged quite gracefully. Whenever we pick boyfriends at young ages, don't we always wonder what that person would look like as an older person? I know we can't all look 18 for the rest of our lives...but if my husband were to age like Alec Baldwin? I'd be a happy wife!
  • There are many reasons why I overly like Alec Baldwin ....but this is one of the main factors that drew my little self in! His voice. His eloquence of speech as the corporate character. The mysteriousness that lay below the deep, soothing gruff of his voice. It's a man's voice, and an intriguing one at that.

Here's a little video to end my embarrassing rant on some reasons why I will always have a huge crush on Alec Baldwin. It pretty much symbolizes all of the reasons gathered into one as to why I think he is a great, great man - who I will always support, even after he gets into fights with photographers or his daughter! Now, relax and listen to his softly authoritative voice! Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a similar quality in another actor, or person.

Man, I sound crazy, maybe I should have tried to stop liking Alec whenever I found out Grandma likes him too.....


Cassie said...

Sam, I will never ever agree with you on this one. I do, however, think it's hilarious that you will have to fight over him with your grandma.