Sunday, May 23, 2010
Good Humour Man
Posted by Samantha at 1:01 PM 0 comments
The Veterans
Posted by Samantha at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by Samantha at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Sports Man
Posted by Samantha at 12:35 PM 0 comments
100 Middle Schoolers
Posted by Samantha at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by Samantha at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Washington DC Adventure
My friend Cassie and I decided to go around and meet all kinds of people in Washington DC on our field trip. We split off from the group and met some truly remarkably interesting people:
Posted by Samantha at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Posted by Samantha at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Scary Times Ahead
I often sit back and think about how I wished I wasn't alive in this day and age. Sometimes I wish I wasn't part of the technology generation - I wish that I was part of the decade that had no tvs, internet, cell phones. I wish that I was part of a time where reading, using one's imagination, and spending time with family and friends was all that one did. What I mean is, hanging out at football games and having lots of school spirit, being taken in a classic car to the local diner where your food was roller-skated to you. I wish I could take that classic convertable with a gentlemanly hunk to the drive-in theatre. I wish times were different.
I did wish that I lived in the 30s-50s. I wish I lived through the sixties as well - when technology was there, but simply being introduced. Not overpowering lives as it does today.
I'll be the first to admit that I spend a great amount of time on the's like an addiction to all of these technology devices that have become so incorporated with our daily lives. I feel like I cannot escape - yet then again, I wonder if I want to. I enjoy that the whole world is at our fingers with the internet. I like that you can find out anything you want about anything. At the same time, however, I wish that the mystery of the world were still to exist. The world is still mysterious to me as I have never really traveled..I can look at pictures, I can see what seems to be this alternate world. I would rather go into an unknown place, having only heard stories about the places and read of their descriptions in novels. I want to hear what places are like only through the fables and stories of these faraway ventures.
I feel as if the world is no longer a mystery. It makes me feel as if I should remain a mystery myself, to not let too much known - so that I alone can bring back the sense of mystery to myself, at least,that I find the world so lacking.
I find the world becoming an increasingly frightening place. Innovations in technology both excite me and scare me to no end. In class we were watching a video about the Cuban Missile Crisis..the teacher says, "You all were almost not born." If these missiles were to be sent in each direction, destroying the entire United States, I certainly would not exist. The world would be devastated. And that was in 1962! If I get paranoid about something that happened in 1962, just imagine how I feel about how technology has grown, especially in the military department, I feel as if the world's demise could literally be any second. If a bomb were to be dropped that demolished an entire country - our country - the world would become that of one seen in the movies. I believe that one day the things, the movies we pay attention to for entertainment will coincide, eventually, with actual world happenings. It's entirely possible that a virus could abandon New York City like in I Am Legend. It's also very possible that a virus could spread across the world, forcing the only survivors to live underneath the ground in a world impenetrable by the virus, like in 12 Monkeys.
Call me crazy, but technology is becoming very intelligent. Which is very scary. Scientists in this article:
insist that they hope to be able to artificially create the intricacies of the brain within the next decade. Creating brains, limbs? I even read a similar article today about space crafts/shuttles actually being developed that create such an explosion over the sky that they allow one to travel across the world in 90 minutes. It says such technology would emerge in the coming years - under five. This astounds me.
I remain both astounded and frightened at such things being developed.
Oh, how the times have changed...and will continue to.
Posted by Samantha at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Posted by Samantha at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Going to Washington D.C. today!
Posted by Samantha at 1:36 AM 0 comments
Pictures of Prom
Posted by Samantha at 1:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
And Now For Something Completely Different
This post is dedicated to my new favorite comedy, other than The Cable Guy.
Monty Python's: And Now For Something Completely Different

In the above picture there is a group of "baby-snatchers" on the loose (announced a news anchor), that are terrorizing the city. A man is shown pushing a baby carriage down the street. Suddenly a group of men dressed as babies come and pick up the man and carry him away...leaving the baby. One would think "baby-snatchers" would take the baby..but instead, they are just dressed like babies. The movie opens with this:
[first lines] [forest]
Announcer: In this picture, there are forty-seven people. None of them can be seen. In this film, we hope to show you how not to be seen. This is Mr. E.R. Bradshaw of Napier Court, Black Lion Road, London, SE14. He cannot be seen. Now I'm going to ask him to stand up. Mr. Bradshaw, will you stand up, please?
[Mr. Bradshaw stands up and is shot]
Announcer: This demonstrates the value of not being seen.
I guess it takes a certain type of humor...but to me, this movie is hilarious and it is even better whenever watched. Typing quotes does not do the movie justice. Also...trippy visuals!
Posted by Samantha at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Pretty Penelope
Pretty Penelope has a problem.
Pretty Penelope has a pussing, purple pimple!
Pretty Penelope's pussing purple pimple is right inside her dimple!
Pretty Penelope peels putrid puss from her pouring pores
Maybe Pretty Penelope has a putrid, pussing, purple pimple
From scrubbing her face along dirty floors!
Pretty Penelope no longer feels pretty
Especially when presented with painful pimple-popping machines!
Ones that chug-a-lugg and pop even pimples unseen!
Presently, no pimple-popping penetration will be performed
No pimple-popping technique will prep Penelope for this pest of a pimple!
Pessimistic Penelope no longer feels pretty
Forever putting pimple-puss-prevention cream
On her putrid, pussing, purple, pouring pimple.
Posted by Samantha at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: writing
My Poem
The weekend came and went. Sad Brad still waits in his tent.
Jill and Bill were to come over Saturday at two
My, oh my, how the weekend flew!
Toys and trains begin to rust, as Brad cleans up the unused cups.
"Maybe Jill and Bill got entangled with a deer
while riding on their bikes all of the way here."
thought Brad, wishing he had friends.
Blue Steel, his speedster bike was waiting for Brad to take a ride.
The grass, the trees, the bark, the bees,
Boy did Jill and Bill know how to hide!
Brad peeked in windows, under dogs
Even in the forest, under logs!
Brad sighed, gave up, and rode Blue Steel back into town.
Mom was outside, by the empty tents that only made him frown.
"Brad, over here," his mother yelled to him.
"Jill and Bill are over at the jungle gym!"
Brad raced, he flew, with anger now inside
He was going to give those two a real piece of his mind!
Jill was hanging by one leg, upside down
Bill was on top tanning, turning his skin brown.
Blue Steel was thrown on the grass in spite
As Brad walked over with all of his might.
Jill and Bill gave Brad a smile.
"Yeah, last time I invite them over for awhile!"
Bill climbed on top of the jungle gym
And slapped his hand hard on Bill's burning skin!
Bill yelled, he cried, as Jill almost died!
Topsy-turvy, she fell with a thump
On her head she now felt an egg-shaped lump!
Soon every boy and girl at the playground was crying
All as a result of little Brad's terrorizing!
Brad hung his head and walked away
His fuming anger would not let him stay.
Whining cries were now fading from his ears
But voices, it seemed, were only growing nearer.
Jill and Bill sprinted up to his side
"Hey Brad, what's up with all this, why are you trying to hide?"
"What do you mean?" said Brad, "You never showed up to my party!"
Jill and Bill looked at each other and gave a laugh very hardy.
"Silly Brad," they sang, "We didn't mean to leave you alone,
We came over at two, but your mom said you weren't home!"
Brad sped off on his bike, angry at his mother
"How c-c-could she d-do such a th-th-thing?" he stuttered.
Shaking with his anger, he could barely go inside
What if his mother yelled at him and he cried?
Before he could decide, she opened up the door
Gave Brad a widened smile and used cookies as a lure
How could he stay mad at warm chocolate chip cookies?
But still, he thought, how could his mother be so crooked?
She ruined his party, got rid of his friends!
He threw down the cookies and thought of hating her to no end
Again she stood up, and trapped Brad in a hug,
"Silly Brad, please don't look so smug
You know for you, I have nothing but love."
"Then why, why, would you leave me waiting in that tent
For friends who will never show themselves again?"
His mother looked down, apparently distraught
"Yeah," thought Bill, "She didn't think she would be caught!"
"Oh, my boy, I guess I have to tell you now.
I planned a bigger, better party with all your friends somehow.
There will be balloons and cake, play trains and sandcastles
I promised everyone a wizard who will truly be fantastical.
Cowboys will dance around your tent, lasso you up tight
Girls will try and save you from the pursuing fight!
Silly Brad, you'll truly have a surprise.
You really didn't think I'd forget my favorite guy?"
His mother tugged Silly Brad close into her arms
"I guess," he said, "Mother really does have her charms."
Posted by Samantha at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: writing
Friday, May 7, 2010
Cheers to Pennsylvania in taking a step forward in becoming more liberal and, well, taking America a step forward in their first attempt to decriminalize marijuana for those with debilitating illnesses. Ya know, like fourteen other states in America have? Not to mention countries, pfew! Kudos.
Posted by Samantha at 9:40 AM 1 comments
If there is one thing that really makes me angry - it is whenever promises are broken.
It doesn't matter whether it is a simple promise or not - a promise is a promise and they are things that I take very seriously! For if one is unable to keep one's word, then for what can they be counted upon for? Continual disappointment.
I do not feel betrayed because I am past the point of caring of such a menial thing, yet I am very annoyed and just sick of it and am ready for twenty school days to be up.
If you are going to promise something to one person, let alone a multitude of people - MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THROUGH AND KEEP YOUR PROMISE or else people will simply become disenchanted.
That is all.
Posted by Samantha at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Big Post of Sexy Men

Silently sexy in "It Happened One Night" Gable is always seen with a tobacco pipe, being firm in his words and actions with women, yet sympathetic and underlying caring. YES I can get that much from classic movie performances such as this one.

Posted by Samantha at 9:18 AM 2 comments
Labels: alec baldwin
I'm sad.
I won't be looking forward to going to work for the next month.
Posted by Samantha at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Apricot Halves
Note to anyone who takes Calculus:
Posted by Samantha at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
True Anger
I am honestly spewing with anger right now.
Posted by Samantha at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Prom Dress!
Posted by Samantha at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Glimpse Into the Future
When I was in New York City on April 1st, I saw the admirable Simon&Schuster publishing house. I stood in awe of the building. It was kind of surreal to see a place in person, in a big city, of a place I dream of working someday. A budding economist can easily go to Wall Street and stand in awe of their future home - however, publishing houses with children's divisions are a bit more elusive.
It was a glimpse, hopefully, into my future.
Posted by Samantha at 9:34 AM 0 comments
A Masterpiece of a Poem
Once there was a man who lived in a shoe
He was unable to tell red colors from blue
One morning he went for a stroll
An ocean popped up, appearing quite full
A piercing scream was heard
One to invade the souls of every man and bird
Through his eyes this ocean was red
Blood filled waters turning through his head
He lept out into the great red sea
Unable to take his color disease.
Posted by Samantha at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Posted by Samantha at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Life of a Truck Driver
Posted by Samantha at 9:17 AM 1 comments