So after a long, frustrating couple of hours shopping for prom dresses...I finally found "the dress." "the dress" was also way out of our price range. I tried on several other dresses, but none of them were the same. My mom agreed and understood that I really wanted this even though it was way more than we would like to spend - especially with the cost of my senior trip to Savannah coming up, things to buy for my dorm room, and the cost of the summer session at Penn State University. My mom somehow managed to haggle the price of the dress I wanted down $100. It was meant to be! Albeit it was still very expensive, it was a lot better than over $400...
This is the dress! However my dress is in a light-ish blue...a very good color for my very pale self. No tanning for me, ever!
The sides are cut out so you can see my tattoo that goes up my ribs! I think it adds to the dress.
I do have a couple scars on my back that I need to get rid of in the couple of weeks until prom! I believe I'm going to wear my hair down and curly, with a light blue ribbon wove throughout my hair. My mom describes me in the dress as "an Egyptian princess" ha! So I'll be floatin' to prom on a crocodile if that's the case!
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