Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life of a Truck Driver

I find the lifestyles of people who drive vehicles long distances as their job utterly fascinating.

Truck drivers, for example.

Vertically high up in our travel bus to NYC on Thursday, I nabbed the window seat and was, to entertain myself, able to pass the time by staring into the windows of speedily passing by trucks at eye level. Each truck driver was from a different state - usually one far away - and thus each had observably different habits whenever they passed. Eventually I got some other people to join in on this fun too. One truck driver was talking and mumbling to himself. One had his seat reclined and was smoking a cigarette. Some dance, some have eyes staring upon the road cold as stone. Each one is different. Each one is of interest.

I mean, think of the qualities one must exhibit to be a truck driver. One must enjoy spending mass amounts of time alone - away from family, friends, everyone. It's just you and the road. I really enjoy spending time alone on the road - but I don't know if I could do it for such long periods of time, cosistently! I might go mad without social contact. But then, there are truckstops where the burly men meet up to talk about goodness knows what, but I'm sure some interesting things! Especially after not having conversation for so long - which is why I imagine some people resort to talking to themselves, or dangerously attempting to shift gears while chit-chatting on a cell phone. This is why I'm always nervous to pass trucks on the highway!

A truck driver must also be prepared for the unexpected, be a good mechanic, and deal with problems regularly. I could imagine the worst thing being your truck breaking down in the middle of Kentucky, the middle of nowhere, and feeling lost. I bet it's a great break back into reality. Unexpected detours, also, would have to be dealt with...with great chagrin, I am sure.

My grandfather was a truck driver for his whole life. He got to see the entire United States. I find that appealing, but number one...I don't know of any female truck drivers...and two, I would only want to experience the job for a short period of time - maybe only try it out for a month or three just to say I did it! He made a good chunk of change doing it though! Hmmmmm.


Lulubella said...

My dad is a truck-driver and every summer I go with him to Italy (from Latvia) and it really is interesting.
But it also ruins your sleep routine is very unhealthy and keeps you away from your family.

I have seen women truck drivers. :)