Monday, April 26, 2010

My Big Post of Sexy Men

I have a thing for chivalrous men in suits smoking tobacco pipes with five o'clock shadows.
Sadly, most of these men only exist for me in movies of the past.

Why, oh why, can't I meet a suit-wearing, pipe-smoking, contained but scruffy five-o'clock-shadow-wearing, motorcycle riding, well-coifed man?

Maybe I'm too picky. *sigh*

Here are some men who fit this category beautifully for me.


Oh baby, of course...the sexiest man in Hollywood, always wearing a suit! Gorgeous blue squinty eyes, jet black hair, a dark, soothing voice...the corporate man. So appealing to me for many, many reasons..


Old school Marlon steamy! haha especially in "A Streetcar Named Desire." Unlike Alec Baldwin, Marlon gets uglier as he ages. No "Godfather" Brando for me! Brando is a brilliant actor - consistently portraying dark characters with a steamy anger. He is truly sexy.

Motorcycles...very sexy!


Silently sexy in "It Happened One Night" Gable is always seen with a tobacco pipe, being firm in his words and actions with women, yet sympathetic and underlying caring. YES I can get that much from classic movie performances such as this one.


No words needed. How I wish I lived back when all of these hottttttttttttttties were in their prime.

Smoking on top of his Porsche Roadster only adds to his sex appeal.


Where do I even begin? Cary is a bronze god. A professional, witty, light-hearted, mature bronze god.

Ladies and gentlemen, the picture above of Cary Grant is how I picture my "dream man" in my head. Take note. If the man in his exact form in this picture were to come up and talk to me, I would swoon...then faint. No picture can top this. Hey Cary, you have any sons?


There's just something really sexy about the mysteriousness of the way light hits a man with a hat, suit/long coat, and cigarette in a black and white photo.


Motorcycle-riding, chain-smoking, car-racing bad boy.

last but definitely not least.....


I think that Jack Nicholson is a hair away from taking over Alec Baldwin's spot as sexiest man. Of course Jack is in his 70's now....but back in the 1970's and up he was a stud. Cigarette-smoking, motorcycle-riding, bad boy. His voice is smooth and sexy. The dark, twisted characters that he plays makes him all the more attractive. Man, I guess I really have a "bad boy" theme going on here - but he's perfect. His acting is brilliant...let's face it - dark, creepy characters are just more sexy to me than "surfer dudes." or nice guys.

Mhmm. No words needed.


I'm sad.

I won't be looking forward to going to work for the next month.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Apricot Halves

Note to anyone who takes Calculus:

Never open a can of apricot halves in Calculus....or you will get yelled at hilariously for ten minutes by the teacher.


This made my day exponentially more exciting.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

True Anger

I am honestly spewing with anger right now.

I had a day built up with small annoyances to lead up to this anger I am now feeling.

A few minutes ago I had a privilege of hearing a rumor being spread around about me - one that is DEFINITELY not true and could be potentially damaging to both parties involved.

I don't understand why people have to make assumptions about such things based on what they think they see or hear. Doing so and spreading it around only causes harm to the people involved, especially when what you are speaking of is not true.

It is past midnight and I cannot sleep. Thoughts keep whirling through my mind about how bad this is...and my anger only grows whenever I think about how it was spread without any notion or evidence of it being true - and how hurtful it can be to both parties if such a thing is spread.

People really are beginning to aggravate me....greatly. I want to just live alone for awhile. Move away. No one around. Sometimes I feel like I'd be better off without interruptions like this in my life. Also a world where my water bottles won't get thrown away in school when I'm thirsty because they think I'm carrying colorless/odorless vodka around in it (one of the SMALL annoyances of the day.)

I'll never get to sleep. Tomorrow is senior skip day and I am not doing that either.
Other people may be out having fun at their selected destinations, and as much as I'd like to get away from people for a day - the risk in getting caught is not worth it, kids. I'll just sit in school all day and think about my troubles, the rumors, everything I want to get far away from...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Prom Dress!

So after a long, frustrating couple of hours shopping for prom dresses...I finally found "the dress." "the dress" was also way out of our price range. I tried on several other dresses, but none of them were the same. My mom agreed and understood that I really wanted this even though it was way more than we would like to spend - especially with the cost of my senior trip to Savannah coming up, things to buy for my dorm room, and the cost of the summer session at Penn State University. My mom somehow managed to haggle the price of the dress I wanted down $100. It was meant to be! Albeit it was still very expensive, it was a lot better than over $400...

This is the dress! However my dress is in a light-ish blue...a very good color for my very pale self. No tanning for me, ever!

The sides are cut out so you can see my tattoo that goes up my ribs! I think it adds to the dress.

I do have a couple scars on my back that I need to get rid of in the couple of weeks until prom! I believe I'm going to wear my hair down and curly, with a light blue ribbon wove throughout my hair. My mom describes me in the dress as "an Egyptian princess" ha! So I'll be floatin' to prom on a crocodile if that's the case!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I want to grow up.

....and publish children's books.

Glimpse Into the Future

When I was in New York City on April 1st, I saw the admirable Simon&Schuster publishing house. I stood in awe of the building. It was kind of surreal to see a place in person, in a big city, of a place I dream of working someday. A budding economist can easily go to Wall Street and stand in awe of their future home - however, publishing houses with children's divisions are a bit more elusive.

It was a glimpse, hopefully, into my future.

A Masterpiece of a Poem

Once there was a man who lived in a shoe

He was unable to tell red colors from blue

One morning he went for a stroll

An ocean popped up, appearing quite full

A piercing scream was heard

One to invade the souls of every man and bird

Through his eyes this ocean was red

Blood filled waters turning through his head

He lept out into the great red sea

Unable to take his color disease.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I find my attention span shrinking vastly.

I can't stand being in school.

I can't stand listening to teachers talk for longer amounts of time than ten minutes - even if it is a heart-wrenching story about girls in Tibet. My mind cannot focus, or sometimes it cannot even care.

I feel as if my mind may explode if they reach this ten minute point.

I feel like yelling like a maniac, then sprinting out the doors of the school, into my car, blaring music and taking off for State College.

I'll never have the confidence.

I'll just sit in school, zoning out after that ten minute talking point...thinking of all the possibilities of other, more exciting things I could be doing.

School is leading me to insanity.

I want it to be June 11th, getting my diploma - then leaving for the beautiful city of Savannah.

I must have freedom!!!! (Or things to cure my short attention span)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life of a Truck Driver

I find the lifestyles of people who drive vehicles long distances as their job utterly fascinating.

Truck drivers, for example.

Vertically high up in our travel bus to NYC on Thursday, I nabbed the window seat and was, to entertain myself, able to pass the time by staring into the windows of speedily passing by trucks at eye level. Each truck driver was from a different state - usually one far away - and thus each had observably different habits whenever they passed. Eventually I got some other people to join in on this fun too. One truck driver was talking and mumbling to himself. One had his seat reclined and was smoking a cigarette. Some dance, some have eyes staring upon the road cold as stone. Each one is different. Each one is of interest.

I mean, think of the qualities one must exhibit to be a truck driver. One must enjoy spending mass amounts of time alone - away from family, friends, everyone. It's just you and the road. I really enjoy spending time alone on the road - but I don't know if I could do it for such long periods of time, cosistently! I might go mad without social contact. But then, there are truckstops where the burly men meet up to talk about goodness knows what, but I'm sure some interesting things! Especially after not having conversation for so long - which is why I imagine some people resort to talking to themselves, or dangerously attempting to shift gears while chit-chatting on a cell phone. This is why I'm always nervous to pass trucks on the highway!

A truck driver must also be prepared for the unexpected, be a good mechanic, and deal with problems regularly. I could imagine the worst thing being your truck breaking down in the middle of Kentucky, the middle of nowhere, and feeling lost. I bet it's a great break back into reality. Unexpected detours, also, would have to be dealt with...with great chagrin, I am sure.

My grandfather was a truck driver for his whole life. He got to see the entire United States. I find that appealing, but number one...I don't know of any female truck drivers...and two, I would only want to experience the job for a short period of time - maybe only try it out for a month or three just to say I did it! He made a good chunk of change doing it though! Hmmmmm.